Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Graduation plan
4 sections of research
- Further Education
- Business startup
- Travel
- Employment
After carrying out my large amounts of research for each section, I now feel I have a clearer thought about my lifetime goals. I now know where I aim to go in life and what my ambitions really are. I realised that actually, I want to gain insight into each section. I found this research task really usefull as I have concluded what my short, medium and long term goals are. Also I came to the realisation that I don't actually have to worry about doing EVERYTHING in a couple of years. I can make plans for the future and aim to achieve them.
I developed samples for my studio practise 1 breif - the punctution mark
I thought of good linking idea for developments... By associating fabrics to my theme.
I relating the meaning of the mind map words by choosing to represent them using fabric. How does this relate to my concept? - The disintigrated fabric represents the deteriation on the relationship. I will show this by altering the fabric to make it look frayed, separated, faded and other relivant words associated to my theme. after developing samples, the next stage will be creating ideas on a final piece. I will need to make it relivant to my theme and think of ways on how to best represent my concept. My inital thoughts on it just now are thinking of a symbol that relates to commitment and use that to highlight the relationship fading away...
Essay focus
After carrying out research for my extended essay proposal, I managed to narrow down my essay theme/question. My essay focus is a topic that I feel strongly about and also wish to further my knowledge on the subject.
Essay theme
I intend to focus on the power balance between men and women. I will explore how they have changed in society by reflecting back to the 1950’s with reference to their roles and how they are projected within advertisement.
Before, men and women had specific roles that they were known for. In a married relationship, it was most common for a women to undertake the household chores with the male being dependant on the women’s domestic and nurturing ability. In comparison to nowadays, women are not dependant on a male’s income nor do men rely on women's cooking. I want to create a discussion that highlights how Society is changing as well as the male perception towards women.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Punctuation brief
What you see on the outside doesn't necessarily mean reality on the inside....
That's my ideology that relates my concept to the brief. This time I feel a lot more focused and have a clearer thought about where I am going with my concept.
Today I enjoyed experimenting with various fabrics by changing there appearance. I used heat tools to achieve a burnt, frayed and disintegrated effect on the fabric.
These words all relate to a mind map I created previously - they all reflect the relationship fading. As mentioned in my PLP that I'm concentrating on the unseen factors of the relationship, my aim is to think of a way I can represent this as a final outcome!
Three weeks to go! So "time to get the finger out" and actually get a move on with the development!
Monday, 23 November 2015
NEW BREIF - The Punctuation mark
The new breifs issued were quite daunting at first. I found the punctuation mark breif most understandable and felt I could go the furthest with it in terms of concept and ideas. To begin the concept development process I started with a mind map to explore multiple ideas. Whilst looking over the breif, there was certain words that stood out to me.
These were:
- Expression
- Each other
I started researching into how people communicate each other without actual speaking and found out that body language plays a major part in communication. I am going to try and focus my research on body language and see where it takes me.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?
If you are the worst at making decisions like me and spend half the day thinking about what to do this just might be the answer! Spare a few minutes because it might be worth it :)
What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
By Emma While
“He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.” ~Chinese Proverb
Here’s the thing: I don’t know what to do.
About this thing, about that thing. About big things and small things.
About anything.
Actually, to be honest, even the smallest thing seems big when I don’t know what to do about it. The state of “not knowing what to do” is like some kind of Miracle Grow for small things in my mind.
This is not a new thing. Not knowing what to do is a particular and well-honed talent of mine. I can even juggle several not knowing what-to-dos at once.
For example, at the moment I don’t know whether to go away with my friends this weekend or not. And if I do will I take the train? Or get a lift?
I don’t know whether to take that new job. And if I do, when should I start it? What about all those other job offers that will flood through the door the minute I say yes to this one?
I don’t know whether to start the diet tomorrow. Or today. Or next week. Or not at all. I don’t know whether to call my counselor or ride this one out alone.
I don’t know what is best, what is right. I don’t know what I want to do.
Do you know what else I don’t know? I don’t know what to do about not knowing what to do.
And whenever I feel like this (which is not always, but often), I start not knowing what to do about things I did know what to do about before. Things I had already made decisions on, things I felt excited and sure about before, now feel wobbly and wrong. Even though I know the decisions felt right when I made them.
My brain starts questioning it all: What if I didn’t really know what to do then either, and just decided on something that wasn’t really the right thing to do after all? What if it turns out to be “wrong”? What if I acted on impulse and didn’t think it all through properly?
It’s like I’m mourning all the other possible options that will never, ever happen now because I didn’t choose them.
The little voice in my head chides me: If you choose option a, then such and such might happen, which could lead to x and then that may mean y. Had I known in the beginning about y, maybe I wouldn’t have chosen that original thing. Or would I? How do I know?
And this uncertainty, the worry, the anxiety, the not knowing, it isn’t picky. It doesn’t just stick to the thing I’m not sure about. It leaks. It seeps into everything else, so instead of feeling uncertain or anxious about one thing in particular, about one decision specifically, I feel anxious, uncertain, and worried full stop. I forget what started it. I just feel it.
I feel it in my chest, near my heart. In my throat. It feels like guilt, muddled with regret, with overtones of panic and an undercurrent of fear. It feels hard and cold, like a vice-like grip.
And I don’t like it. But I just don’t know what to do about it. So I do nothing. Except worry and be anxious that doing nothing is not the right thing to do. It’s exhausting, it’s frustrating, and it’s totally and utterly unproductive.
And the only thing that makes it stop? Is to just decide and do something. To just do anything.
And the only way to know what to do? Well actually, there is no answer to that one.
Other than to not worry about worrying. To not feel anxious about feeling anxious. To accept that there is no right answer.
To breathe. To try to feel beyond the worry, to try to feel the answer rather than (over) think it.
To stop trying to second-guess every possible outcome of every possible decision. To stop trying to control and account for every accountability. It just isn’t possible.
To trust.
I can’t know what will happen. I can’t know how I will feel about any of it. I can’t know whether the decision I make is any better or worse than any other decision I could have made because I am only ever going to experience the one path I do choose.
So I can only react with what I have, what I know, and how I feel, right here and right now. And I don’t need to know how to do that; I just need to do it. I just need to allow it to happen.
Back to my decisions. Well, I still don’t know what to do. I still don’t know what the “right” thing is.But maybe that’s not so much of a problem after all.
Because I do know what the wrong thing is. And that’s to make no decision at all. Even if the decision I make is not to decide just yet—that is still a decision. Own it.
A friend once said to me, “Whenever the time is right, it will be the right time.” It helps me relax about my decisions.
I often wonder: Am I the only one like this? I don’t know that either, but if you’re with me:
Stop thinking it through. Stop making up what might happen. Because that’s what’s happening here, you’re just making it up. Just make the decision instead and enjoy the ride. Whatever it turns out to be, it doesn’t really matter—you can change it later if you really have to.
Whatever the decision is, just make it. What’s the worst that can happen, really?
Just make the decision and then be glad you did. Enjoy the freedom and the relief that follows.
Enjoy the present, indecision free. Because while you’re busy worrying about what might happen tomorrow, guess what? You’re missing out on all the great stuff happening today.
So just decide. Just relax.
Want to know the good news? The decision thing is just as leaky as the indecision thing.
Once I get going again, I know there’ll be no stopping me. I’ll breeze through decisions that floored me before. I’ll put those small things back in their place. And if it feels wrong, I’ll change it. I won’t worry about it. Things that felt a bit wrong and weird before just won’t matter anymore.
I won’t know where this whole confident, decision making thing came from. I’ll just feel it.
I’ll feel it in my chest, near my heart. It will feel like contentment, embracing joy, tickled with peace and flavored with lightness. It will feel soft and warm, like molten honey trickling through my veins. It will make me smile.
And I will love it. And I will do all I can to hold on to it.
That I do know.
So let’s just get started. Let’s just relax. Let’s just decide. And let’s never look back.
Photo by J. Tegnerud
Non space final piece
These were: - sleep stages
- nightmares
- children's dreams
I represented these separate areas by using various textile techniques and put these into a quilt form. My initial idea was to create the quilt cover and also for it to have another use as a book. This was so that it could reflect back to when children were young and bed time stories were read to them by their parent/guardian. This would be the first stages of dreams occurring. When the quilt was complete, I did not feel good about displaying the finished piece in my hand made book. The main reason being the detail in the quilt as a whole was lost as it was all folded up and hidden. I therefore had to display my quilt on the wall so that it could be clearly seen.
As much as I enjoyed making this quilt, I realised that my designs and techniques used were both very time consuming. I felt as though I was rushing to complete it in time which meant when it was finished, I was unhappy with the outcome - because I knew it was rushed.
So let's try and scrape a positive out the barrel here and say I was happy that I managed to encorporate the two new techniques I learned into my final piece. These were crocheting and creating a repeat pattern on illustrator. The crocheting will definitely be a technique that I will progress with currently and in the future as I really got the hang of it. But really, I shouldn't have tried to learn a new technique (illustrator) in so little time escpecially when it comes to using computers... Blonde for a reason Ruth.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
The update!
So now it's time for a quick update on the busy life of the one and only.....ME!

To recap on all the events and extras I've took on over the past few weeks, I will start with the most exciting!
ERASMUS!! :D - After enquiring about a student exchange/ study abroad programme from last year. Our college eventually has an 'Erasmus status'. This is very exciting news!!! Last year I contacted Stirling university to enquire about their study abroad programme and they came back to me with all the information I needed. After spending hours of research trying to find the most appropriate course suited to me, I got back in touch with the adviser. The news wasn't so good - with my current course validated by the university, I thought I would be considered. Anyhow the first knock back was that the deadline had passed for the study abroad programme which meant I could only undertake an internship. I accepted this as it would still be a great opportunity and went ahead to find a suitable company to work for. After transferring details to the university for application, I receive a devastating email that said I was not eligable for the programme. This was because my current course does not have direct entry onto the Honours course - or something along the lines of that anyway...
After forgetting about this for a few weeks, I decided I wanted to still have this opportunity and felt as though it was unfair that it couldn't be offered to me. With help for my aunty, we both put together a letter and sent it to the Erasmus company directly. After redirecting me back to the Stirling uni, I recieved an email back from my lecturer saying that our college has been discussing the Erasmus status. After the summer holidays, I investigated this and eventually got put in touch with Erasmus coordinator. I soon learned that the college was willing to help my through the process of applying to study abroad! I was very shocked to hear the good news but very excited!! After all my research on finding a suitable course I decided to apply to study in China, Germany and Demark!
So now a good few weeks after the application was sent. I am impatiently waiting to receive either good or bad news. I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope it's GOOD news!
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Non place - Dreams
Whilst having the idea of focusing on dreams, my research led me to various other areas. I wouldn't have known to look at sleeping patterns, sleep stages or how dreams can change dependant on age. I used online websites to find my information on sleeping patterns and books and mazagines to find the meaning behind dreams. I later decided that I wouldn't focus on the mythical meaning of dreams and concentrate on how dreams change through the progression of age.

I plan to develop ideas from my research in order to meet my take on the brief. I will do this by planning and preparing samples to create.
As a personal aim, I wish to be able to create a repeat pattern using illustrator. In order to do this, I have organised to attend classes with a lecturer who is familiar using the illustrator programme. In order to create my final piece -the main textile techniques I plan on using to represent my concept are:
Machine stitching
Friday, 9 October 2015
Introduction to new breif
The breif on 'non space' has been introduced...confusion all round.
At the start of every breif, I like to create mind maps to help explore my initial ideas. This is to get me thinking of various pathways and possible concepts to focus on. My first initial research led me to a restricted area...WIKIPEDIA!
At the start of every breif, I like to create mind maps to help explore my initial ideas. This is to get me thinking of various pathways and possible concepts to focus on. My first initial research led me to a restricted area...WIKIPEDIA!
Marc Augé (born September 2, 1935 in Poitiers) is a French anthropologist.
In an essay and book of the same title, Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (1995), Marc Augé coined the phrase "non-place" to refer to anthropological spaces of transience that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as "places". Examples of a non-place would be a motorway, a hotel room, an airport or a supermarket.[1]
So once I roughly got my head around what this crazy man was talking about, my mind maps definitely helped to widen my idea. First of all I didn't want to focus on the particular examples that was given as I wanted to put my own twist on my chosen concept. I decided to list all the physical and the non physical places and before I knew it, I sharply found myself tangled up amungst the clouds of dreams...
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Pencil brief - BAD 3
After our return from the summer, a breif was issued to the class based on the pencil. At first, it was a struggle to get my head around the breif as finding a concept was difficult. Although we only had two weeks to complete the breif, there were pros and cons to the time restriction. With only having two weeks to develop and produce a final piece, this helped me to create a large quantity of work in a short period of time - becoming more aware about time restrictions. This would be very useful if I had to create a commission piece of work as I can now work under deadlines and pressure. Over all the breif was challenging and beneficial to me as a new skill was gained.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Blog 19
Inspirational image

These images made me think about the colour and media when creating my final piece.
I like the idea of producing a painting that has multiple people in a jar. That way I can show all my various types of trafficking I had been researching.
These images made me think about the colour and media when creating my final piece.
I like the idea of producing a painting that has multiple people in a jar. That way I can show all my various types of trafficking I had been researching.
Monday, 11 May 2015
Blog 18
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Blog 17
A few weeks To go...
With hand in a few weeks away, I'm at the stage of refining my ideas and beginning to create my final piece. I have made sure that I showed a clear progression in developing samples that relates to my concept. I made a final decision on the layout of my composition through experimenting multiple ways to present my finished piece.
I have made the decision to create multiple textile sections that will join together forming one piece. The concept in comparison from my last brief is much more stronger and detailed.
The downside to creating this piece is that each section is very time consuming. I am now concentrating fully on creating these sections. Once completed, I will go back and annotate my sketch book.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Blog 16
Trafficking research
Stop the traffik is a human trafficking organisation that helps support the victims of abuse and also raises awareness. They do this by selling merchandise and campaigning. As a final idea for this brief, I began to create some designs that could also make people more aware of this terrible matter that still goes on.
I thought about creating bags that Would help to raise awareness also. I could encorporate the hand prints from the stop the traffik website and use textile techniques such as appliqué or fabric transfer paint to do so. I have not decided just yet on what to create for my final piece. I plan on creating more paintings and looking at the composition of the human body's first before I make a final decision.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Blog 15
As an alternative design idea, I experimented with the dimensions as the way I will present the finished piece is very important to me. Firstly I began with the idea of creating a flat framed final piece that would be made using the textile combinations I had experimented with. I feel this would be a save idea to go with.
This idea shows my final piece displayed in a large flat frame.
The good thing about creating this final piece would be that it could be made fast and relatively quick. The downside in my opinion would be the scale, I would not be overly happy with presenting it this way as I would feel I was taking the easy route. I like to give myself a challenge and therefore will continue with further developments.
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Week 14
Combination development...
Out of the previous samples created and the multiple combinations of techniques, this one is my most preferred.
The techniques used in this sample were:
-Soluble fabric
-Encaustic wax
Out of the previous samples created and the multiple combinations of techniques, this one is my most preferred.
This combination of techniques used turned out very effective as a successful texture was created. I am really happy to progress forward and work out how I can layout this combination controllably. The colour choice also worked well due to the contrast in colour. I will continue to use these colours as the orange represented the rescuers from the disaster zones. The black gives a strong mood of death and destruction. Rough drawings will also be created to help me visualise the end result.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Blog number 13 - Design ideas
After looking through the images from the Nepal earthquake, I sketched specific structure line buildings out on paper. I will now have to decide on one structure to go with in order for me to develop my idea into a final design.
A simplistic structure would work out best as I don't want all the focus going on the building. I want the main attention going to the detail. Experiments will be carried out in order to define the overall scale of the finished piece.
week 12
Nepal Earthquake 2015
An unfortunate event has occurred in Nepal that happens to fully relate to my brief. A devastating earthquake hit Nepal which killed over 8,000 people last week. The news has spread all over the T.V and radios. I am going to take this to my advantageous and use it not as a major turning point but a new focal point. As Scotland/Britain has made great efforts in giving aid and sending rescuers to the disaster zone, I will now use that as the main link to my concept. I will continue create textile developments as normal but use the building remains as inspiration.
Here is the news article I found online that informed me about the Nepal earthquake.
Canadian stranded in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough to help citizens go home
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
week 11 - experiments
Encaustic wax experiments
One of the new techniques I researched about is called Encaustic wax. This involves wax blocks/crayons being smeared over a warm metal plate. The wax then melts almost suddenly giving you time to create textured effects. As creating texture is one of my aims, I was really interested in developing this technique further. Also the process of this technique is very relaxing and soothing - this is a BONUS!
Below is an example of the encaustic wax technique I recently researched.

samples were created on white paper and blue roll. The card worked best as the detail of the texture shows more clearly. In comparison to the blue roll which was least successful, the detail got absorbed up but still showed the chosen colours.
One of the new techniques I researched about is called Encaustic wax. This involves wax blocks/crayons being smeared over a warm metal plate. The wax then melts almost suddenly giving you time to create textured effects. As creating texture is one of my aims, I was really interested in developing this technique further. Also the process of this technique is very relaxing and soothing - this is a BONUS!
Below is an example of the encaustic wax technique I recently researched.
samples were created on white paper and blue roll. The card worked best as the detail of the texture shows more clearly. In comparison to the blue roll which was least successful, the detail got absorbed up but still showed the chosen colours.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Protest brief (10)
For my trafficking brief, I plan on creating images that will represent my theme. Below are sketches taken from pages of my sketchbook. I experimented with a range of media to see which one I felt most comfortable with. I am still currently continuing to experiment with media until I am satisfied with the most suitable one.
This sketch was created using charcoal pastel pencils. This choice of media works well to achieve a tonal sketch. I am undecided at the moment if I will use this media for definate. Further developments and experimentation will help me to refine my choice of media.
Red crayon was used in this sketch again to create a tonal drawing. I feel I achieved successfull shading to show highlighted and darkend areas. The only issue that I came across when using the crayons was being able to alter of the thickness of the line whilst drawing. There was no point in the crayon so I had to improvise and turn the crayon on its side if i wanted a fine line.

Sunday, 19 April 2015
week 9
Continuation of sample development...
Here is one of my samples I created using soluable fabric. Wire and fragments of wood were found objects that were included in the sample. The sample created was to represent the aftermath of the earthquake as these would perhaps be the remains of buildings. I stitched a continues line and turned the fabric into an oval shape. The sample turned out to be effective because of the texture that was created. I feel I still need to develop ideas on shape however I am happy to use the found objects as they bring the samples to life.

In the future when creating samples, colour will be taken into consideration as well as the shape.
Here is one of my samples I created using soluable fabric. Wire and fragments of wood were found objects that were included in the sample. The sample created was to represent the aftermath of the earthquake as these would perhaps be the remains of buildings. I stitched a continues line and turned the fabric into an oval shape. The sample turned out to be effective because of the texture that was created. I feel I still need to develop ideas on shape however I am happy to use the found objects as they bring the samples to life.
In the future when creating samples, colour will be taken into consideration as well as the shape.
Friday, 17 April 2015
Easter holidays.. blog 8
Earthquake images...
At the beginning of the holidays I decided to start with some research and reflect back on my PLP.
I chose to focus on these images in particular so that I could gain an idea of what type of materials are included in the aftermath of an earthquake. I hope to then experiment with similar materials in my developments and see which combinations works well. For this, I will need to start collecting material that I think is suitable to experiment with.

This image really struck me as the men in the orange boiler suits really stood out. Colour is very important in my developments as they will be representing specific emotions. My aim is to work out how to portray this.
Colour is not as strong in this image although the body position is strong enough to tell the story. His position shows sadness and worry in the child. At the moment I think my final piece will mainly focus on a more abstract and conceptual theme as I don't want my Final piece to be too obvious! My experiments will help me to define this.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Week 7
As from Thursday 19th March I was up to date with multiple tasks I had to complete!
Paul's class : - Statement for assessment poster
- PDF file sent (multiples poster)
- Kiosk PowerPoint (with timing) sent
David's class: - Essay plan + feedback received
These productive few weeks have made myself feel really motivated. One of my personal aims is now to continue with developing ideas and creating samples in order to achieve my final piece. I plan on doing this by list making again and reflecting back on my time plan so that I remain up to date.
Reflection... Reminder

Reflection... Reminder
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
The productiveness continues (Blog 6)
Well, this being organised shinanagan is going down a treat!
I've been on the ball again this past week
My integrated project is expanding as we speak!
Where as pathways and contexts - well let's just say I deserve a well earned seat!
Haha I could not resist! I amused myself with this (proberly badly structured) poem for no more than 15 minutes.. I promise!
Anyhow, I managed to spark up an idea for my final piece for my integrated project. I felt I had to slightly adjust my PLP (again) on the 30th March. The refinement of my concept is very important to me as I learned after achieving my overall grade from the previous brief, it was my concept that let me down. As I was disappointed in this, I really wanted to show clarification and be as specific as I could to hopefully achieve a more successful grade. Also to prevent going off on a tangent, I now always refer back to my PLP to make sure my research/development is relevant.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Week 5
I feel I have achieve a lot over these past few weeks as I have learnt a lot of new techniques. I have progressed thoroughly in my research and investigation to get to the stage I'm at just now. Organisation has been a main factor in the past, although I have overcome it this week as I have been creating lists and aiming to achieve them by the end of the week - So far they have been successful. I hope to keep this going currently and in the future as I am achieving a lot of productive work in all classes. Some classes I am ahead of schedule, this allows me to spend more on experimenting and creating sample pieces that can be time consuming.
One of the new things I learned to do last week was how to create a QR code. A QR code leads the viewer straight to webpage once it has been scanned. This is extremely helpful when it comes to e.g mentioning specific artists in my sketchbook - my tutor can scan the code and almost instantly they can see what I'm referring to.
- Applique
- water soluble fabric
- embroidery

One of the new things I learned to do last week was how to create a QR code. A QR code leads the viewer straight to webpage once it has been scanned. This is extremely helpful when it comes to e.g mentioning specific artists in my sketchbook - my tutor can scan the code and almost instantly they can see what I'm referring to.

I plan on using QR cods throughout my sketchbook and will continue to use these in the future.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Week 4
As I wanted to research using a variety of resources, I went to my local library and college library to source some books on trafficking - none of the library's had any suitable books. To solve the issue, I went to my learning resource centre and asked them to order multiple books in. The week after, I had been notified that there was a book relating to trafficking and it was sent to the college library. When I went to collect it, it was a novel based on a true story. At first I was hesitant to take the book as I didn't think it would be useful but the more I thought about It I realised that it could be good to pull quotes and use emotional phrases to experiment with. I am quite excited about experimenting with the idea of incorporating subtle words into my final piece.

Integrated project brief..
Looking back on the after math of an earthquake, I decided to firstly focus on the variety of people that get involved. I wanted to find out who and how people help to rebuild and rescue people during the aftermath - this could possibly be a focal point for the final artwork. As my concept mentions the uselessness of man in the pathway of a natural disaster I will need to think of a link.
I feel I keep going around in circles with trying to organise a concept therefor I have decided to research some artists to gain some inspiration. hopefully this will help me to move on with my concept and have a clearer focus.
Friday, 27 February 2015
Week 3
Protest brief..
I want to expand on my research further and find out if there are possible ways to prevent it. Also I am interested in finding out what kind of people help to stop trafficking. I have gave myself a lot of areas to research into but I feel I wouldn't be able to create a piece of artwork representing the theme if I don't have the knowledge and understanding behind it.
As my protest is focused on trafficking, I have been continuing to research for the past 2 weeks on all areas. I found out the main types of human trafficking are forced labor, sex trafficking and organ sacrifice. I collected information on all three types of trafficking to develop a clearer understanding of the subject. I soon learned that out of all the various types of trafficking, sexual trafficking is most common. Here are some of the facts I came across during my research:
• $32 billion: Size of human trafficking industry…some estimate $50 billion.
• 2nd largest and fastest growing crime on earth after drug trafficking
• Commercial sex trafficking of minors: Fastest growing sex crime
• 600,000 to 800,000: People trafficked each year
• 80% of victims are female
• 50% of victims are children

I want to expand on my research further and find out if there are possible ways to prevent it. Also I am interested in finding out what kind of people help to stop trafficking. I have gave myself a lot of areas to research into but I feel I wouldn't be able to create a piece of artwork representing the theme if I don't have the knowledge and understanding behind it.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Week 2
The research begins...
Throughout the week, I continued to research so that I could narrow down a suitable concept. I began by reflecting back on my mind map and grouped related areas together. Two main areas stood out to me but I decided to go with weather patterns and causes. To gain knowledge on the area, I looked at basic facts and answered initial questions I asked myself. Monitoring tools and meter reading was also something I came across in my research. After having spend a lengthy time researching (or at least it felt like that), I realised that concentrating on weather patterns and causes was an area that I wasn't very interested in.
Although this somehow managed to lead me towards the aftermath of an earthquake. How people rebuild community's and life's by working together was something that I felt more passionate about. I plan to go ahead with this idea as I still have plenty time to research.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Block 2 - Week 1
After getting introduced to our new class brief
" Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?"
I Created mind maps with my initial thoughts and ideas. After thinking about my range of possible themes, I then narrowed it down to focus on natural disasters. I feel this topic would interest me the most. After struggling to think of a suitable concept I decided to keep it wide and open to begin with. Through research I plan to expand on my concept. I was interested in natural disasters when studying geography at high school and would like to expand on my knowledge.

The brief for Catherine's class is focused on the theme of protest. Straight away I knew my theme would focus on trafficking as I was thinking about concentrating on the subject in a previous brief. Trafficking has always been a topic I have been curious about - ever since I watched a movie relating to it a few years back. This should be interesting...
Thursday, 15 January 2015
Hand ins
With just my presentation to do on Friday the only thing I have left to concentrate on is my essay. We will get our new breif this week and I might have a look at it. But really most of my concentration is on the essay!
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Week 17
Time is a ticking!!!!
Right time is definitely ticking away! Just over a week to go and I'm still being picky! The good thing is I got most of the main work done before the holidays and all my paper work is up to date! The only thing I can't Fix is my referencing until I go back to college as it's saved on the college computer.. But that shouldn't be an issue! I have created a check list of things I have to complete and I have been ticking them off as I do it.
Week 16
With the last few weeks to go, my brain is going into panic mode! With me being so fussy on my design, I am still undecided on which layout to go with. I have nearly chosen which techniques and textures to put in my final piece. I really like the appliqué technique as light shines through the fabrics well. Also my tie-dyed fabric works extremely well as a marble effect flows through. Also I have found out that I need to layer up the silk fabric and the tie-dye fabric as it is bright on its own. Also I don't want the viewer to be able to see the light through the glass.
So now it's time to get the colouring pencils out and draw more designs.
Week 15
I managed to squeeze a lot of college work in between the day after Boxing Day and hogmoney which I was happy with. Also in between that time I managed to purchase myself a new printer... How exciting! Well I was actually quite excited to try it out from my new iPad I got from my Christmas! This will save a lot of hassle in having to wait until I am at college to print.
Week 14
So now it's time to paint the light box. The first coat went on streaky, so I left it to dry and gave it a second coat of quick drying brown paint.
The second coat made such a difference, it really improved the look of the box. I varnished the box which also gave it a slight shine. I don't want to spend too much time on the box as I have to concentrate mostly on the textile piece. I still am creating samples and experimenting with texture and fabric. My sketchbook has also been put on hold to concentrate on my textiles piece.

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